Politics and War Wiki


Sidebar Menu

The Sidebar Menu is a list of links that can take the player to the Politics & War homepage, various management sections of their nation, and external locations such as the Forum, Discord, and Wiki. Nation links and their functions are explained in this guide.


Home: Takes the player to the Politics & War homepage.

Messages: Takes the player to their messages page.

Notifications: Takes the player to the notifications page.

Account: Takes the player to their account page, where s/he may change their email and password, among other options.

Referrals: Takes the player to the referrals page, allowing the player to recruit new players and be rewarded for doing so.

Changelog: Takes player to the changelog, showing the most recent changes to the game.

Donate: Takes the player to the donate page, where the player may purchase and redeem credits to support the game.

VIP: Takes the player to the VIP page, where VIP members may change various cosmetic features of their nation (page only visible to VIP members).

Objectives: Takes the player to the objectives page, where the player may complete tasks for rewards.

Dossier: Takes the player to their dossier, where they may save notes.

Logout: Logs out the player.


View: Takes the player to their nation's homepage.

Edit: Allows the player to edit their nation's leader's title, their flag, government and economic policies, and their custom nation description. Also allows the player to delete their nation.

Policies: Allows the player to alter their nation's policies, which is purely cosmetic. Note that answers on this page will not be saved, but the results will be displayed on their nation page.

Cities: Takes the player to their list of cities, which allows them to purchase or sell various improvements for them.

Projects: Allows the player to view and build projects.

Revenue: Takes the player to their revenue page, which shows them their gross and net expenses, along with their resource production and consumption.

Trade: Takes the player to the trade page to buy and sell resources with other players.

Military: Takes the player to the military page to purchase soldiers, tanks, and aircraft.

Wars: Takes the players to the wars page, which displays active and recent wars the player has participated in.

Alliance: Takes the player to their alliance homepage, or create their own alliance if they are not in one.

Baseball: Takes the player to their baseball team page.









World Map:


Forums: Takes the player to the Politics & War forums.

Discord: Takes the player to the Politics & War Discord.


Helpful Tools:

Wiki: Takes the player to the Politics & War wiki.

